Dove siamo
Getting herefrom SIRACUSA (or from CATANIA) Take the SP (strada provinciale) 14 "Maremonti" or, coming from the highway, leave it at SIRACUSA and follow the SS124, direction SIRACUSA until the traffic-light. Then turn right and follow the road until you arrive on the SP14 "Maremonti" Drive along the SP14 up to the turnoff Palazzolo Acreide-Noto. Follow the sign to Noto and take the SS287. Follow the road and pass the bridge over the Manghisi river. After 80 meters, on the left, a sign shows the entrance to the pic-nic area "Il Martin Pescatore".
from NOTO (or arriving from south-east Sicily) Departing from Noto reach the northern exit of the town (hospital - San Corrado di Fuori) or coming from south-east Sicily follow the signs in the same direction without entering in the town of Noto. Take the SS287 Noto-Palazzolo Acreide and pass the little villages San Corrado e Villa Vela. On the right you'll find the entrance sign of the pic-nic area "Il Martin Pescatore"
from AVOLA Leave the town and take the SP4, direction Avola Antica Follow the street up to the T-junction with the SS287 Noto - Palazzolo Acreide and turn right, direction Palazzolo Acreide. After few Km you'll see the entrance sign to the pic-nic area "Il Martin Pescatore". MapLast Updated (Tuesday, 23 October 2012 16:37) |
Regione Siciliana |
Dipartimento Regionale Azienda Foreste Demaniali |